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Foil mailer bags 9 Item

Foil mailing bags: Alternative to shipping box and carton

Especially when shipping products with small dimensions, even small cardboard boxes are often still too big. Filling material is needed to secure the goods and protect them from damage. A perfect alternative to cardboard boxes and cartons are film shipping bags. You get high-quality transport protection for your goods and lower postage costs. Foil envelopes are ideal for sending small product samples, magazines and textiles, for example. They are made of extremely robust and waterproof polyethylene film. The contents in the envelopes are safely protected from prying eyes by an opaque design. The goods inside are protected from dirt, dust and moisture. The integrated adhesive strip prevents the contents from being lost during transport and ensures that they arrive safely at your customer's premises. The mailing bags can be labelled, provided with a label or a delivery note bag can be glued on. They are also ideal for courier services as security bags due to their robust quality. The contents will not get lost, as the opening of a sealed film mailing bag is immediately obvious. You are offered the best security and excellent shipping protection. You have the choice between different designs and can buy your film mailing bags cheaply from BOXXCO.

Film mailing bags: flexible all-rounders with beautiful advantages!

Robustness, insensitivity, good opacity and flexibility are some of the features of our film mailing bags. In addition, they are tear-resistant, waterproof and inexpensive to post. The low postage costs result from the low weight. The small shipping aids are unaffected by sun, rain and wind, which is why they are more suitable for transporting and sending products than envelopes and other packaging materials. You are free to decide what to send in the film mailing bags. Their suitability in this respect is wide-ranging. From magazines, catalogues and books to product samples, CDs, jewellery and textiles, the film mailing bags are true all-rounders. In addition, you can be sure that the recipient will receive undamaged, clean and dry products.

The material thickness of the film mailing bags makes the difference

High robustness, insensitivity and excellent protection are determined by the material thickness. To ensure that you can rely one hundred percent on the film mailing bags, only selected films are used. The thickness of the film is measured in µ or my. You can choose between envelopes with 55 µ and 65 µ. Films with a higher my-number have a higher strength. If you are unsure about the thickness of the film mailing bags, simply order a small batch and try out whether the film thickness is sufficient for your products or contact us if you have any questions!

Individualise film mailing bags: Give pleasure with imprints!

Achieve more visibility or please others with printed film mailing bags. The white mailing bags as foil offer the perfect background for an appealing print. This is where we at BOXXCO come in. Individually and exactly according to your wishes, the foil mailing bags can be printed with your logo or company name. Small gifts generate joy in the recipient with a special message on the envelope, even though he may not yet know the contents. Personal drawings, a nice saying, different patterns or a picture can be used for the print, so there are hardly any limits to your creativity. We will be happy to advise you and show you our printing options.

Foil mailers: the perfect marketing strategy for companies

Marketing is especially important for companies. Visibility can be significantly increased with your company logo or a personal advertising slogan. An important aspect is the recognition value, which you are guaranteed to achieve with printed film mailing bags. Packaging that immediately catches the eye remains in the memory much longer than plain film mailing bags.

Buy film mailing bags at low prices: Saving money made easy!

Here at BOXXCO you can buy high-quality film mailing bags and benefit from the nice advantages. We offer you an uncomplicated order process in which you can immediately find your way around. All you need to do is specify the desired width, length and quantity. With just one click of the mouse, you send us your individual order. We will personally put together the film mailing bags for you and ensure fast, uncomplicated delivery. A few days later, you can use the film mailing bags to send your products. Do you also ship other items that need a more stable, stackable outer packaging? Then take a look at our different boxes and cartons. You are guaranteed to find the right packaging for every product.

Book your free consultation now!